Therapeutic massages in Alicante

Una mujer está recibiendo un masaje en un spa.

Relaxing and energetic massage

It is based on the stimulation of the body's energy channels, known as meridians, which connect the internal organs with different parts of the body. Each meridian is associated with an organ and its energetic function. Using pressure, stretching and mobilization techniques, this massage seeks to balance the flow of energy (Qi), promote circulation and relieve tension, thus promoting harmony between body, mind and spirit.

Una mujer está recibiendo un masaje en un spa.

Massage of the intestinal microbiota

It is a therapeutic technique that focuses on stimulating and balancing the digestive system, promoting intestinal health and the balance of the microbiota (the community of bacteria and microorganisms that inhabit the intestine). Through gentle manipulations and specific massages on the abdomen, the aim is to improve intestinal motility, reduce inflammation and promote proper digestion.

This type of massage can also help relieve symptoms of digestive disorders, such as constipation, bloating and gas, as well as promote a healthy intestinal environment for better nutrient absorption and optimal immune function.

Una persona está dando un masaje de pies a otra persona en una mesa.

Plantar reflexology

It is a therapy based on the stimulation of specific points on the feet, known as reflexes, which correspond to different areas of the body. Through pressure and massage of these points, the aim is to improve circulation, reduce stress, relieve pain and promote general balance in the body. This technique promotes self-regulation of the body, helping to improve physical and emotional health by activating its natural healing mechanisms.

Other services

Una gran habitación vacía con un montón de colchonetas de yoga en el suelo.


Strengthens the core, improves posture, flexibility and balance. Aligns your body and prevents injuries.

Una mujer está en cuclillas sobre una esterilla de yoga mientras otra mujer observa.

Yoga with mindfulness

Combining postures, conscious breathing and meditation, this practice reduces stress and improves your well-being.


Un grupo de personas está practicando yoga en un gimnasio.

Practicing mindfulness not only improves your mind-body connection, but also enhances the benefits of our sessions.

Comprehensive physiotherapy

Health encompasses more than just the body. With therapies such as manual visceral therapy and Mindfulness, we meet your needs to achieve lasting well-being.

Una habitación con una mesa de masajes y una estantería.

Emotional release

We use the Qilimbic Method, a technique that combines psychology, neuroscience, meditation, tapping and EMDR.

Una mujer está sentada en posición de loto sobre una esterilla de yoga.

Discover the perfect balance between body and mind!

With our sessions combining physiotherapy and yoga, we create a harmonious space for you to relax, heal and reconnect with yourself.

Contact us

We are here to help you achieve your well-being. If you have questions or would like more information about our services, please do not hesitate to write to us. Your health is our priority.

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